Rio de Janeiro: assessment of the attacks
The Military Police announced at the end of the night [Wednesday] report with the updated balance of the attacks occurred in the city.
According to public relations service of the PM, since Sunday, 23 people were killed, 112 arrested and 47 detained for questioning. Two military policemen were shot in addition to the 14 victims who are hospitalized at the Municipal Hospital Getúlio Vargas, in Penha.
There was the seizure of 29 weapons like pistols and revolvers, 10 rifles, two 12 gauge shotguns, a submachine gun, five grenades and two homemade bombs.
With some bandits arrested, police found a Molotov cocktail, two explosive devices, nine gallons of gasoline, and flammable materials.
In all, 37 vehicles were torched, two cars on Sunday, eight on Monday and two on Tuesday. Only [yesterday], 18 people were killed in police operations, and the bandits destroyed 15 passenger vehicles, two vans, seven buses and one truck.
Complex in Penha, two policemen wounded in clash with bandits.
Among the dead is a 14 year old girl, victim of a stray bullet in the slums of Grotão in Penha. Rosangela Alves Barbosa was shot in the chest while wearing a computer at home.
The girl was taken to the Getulio Vargas hospital, in Penha, but succumbed to his injuries.
In Brás de Pina, a woman was shot grazed the neck in the Rua Suruí.
The Military Police announced at the end of the night [Wednesday] report with the updated balance of the attacks occurred in the city.
According to public relations service of the PM, since Sunday, 23 people were killed, 112 arrested and 47 detained for questioning. Two military policemen were shot in addition to the 14 victims who are hospitalized at the Municipal Hospital Getúlio Vargas, in Penha.
There was the seizure of 29 weapons like pistols and revolvers, 10 rifles, two 12 gauge shotguns, a submachine gun, five grenades and two homemade bombs.
With some bandits arrested, police found a Molotov cocktail, two explosive devices, nine gallons of gasoline, and flammable materials.
In all, 37 vehicles were torched, two cars on Sunday, eight on Monday and two on Tuesday. Only [yesterday], 18 people were killed in police operations, and the bandits destroyed 15 passenger vehicles, two vans, seven buses and one truck.
Complex in Penha, two policemen wounded in clash with bandits.
Among the dead is a 14 year old girl, victim of a stray bullet in the slums of Grotão in Penha. Rosangela Alves Barbosa was shot in the chest while wearing a computer at home.
The girl was taken to the Getulio Vargas hospital, in Penha, but succumbed to his injuries.
In Brás de Pina, a woman was shot grazed the neck in the Rua Suruí.
Rio de Janeiro: balanço dos ataques
A Polícia Militar divulgou no fim da noite de [ontem] boletim com o balanço atualizado dos ataques ocorridos na cidade.
Segundo o serviço de relações públicas da PM, desde domingo, 23 pessoas foram mortas, 47 presas e 112 detidas para averiguações. Dois PMs foram baleados, além das 14 vítimas que estão internadas no Hospital Municipal Getúlio Vargas, na Penha.
Houve a apreensão de 29 armas do tipo pistolas e revólveres; 10 fuzis; duas espingardas calibre 12, uma submetralhadora, cinco granadas e duas bombas caseiras.
Com alguns bandidos presos, a polícia encontrou um coquetel molotov, dois artefatos explosivos, nove litros de gasolina, além de material inflamável.
Ao todo, 37 veículos foram incendiados: dois carros no domingo, oito na segunda e dois na terça. Só [ontem], 18 pessoas foram mortas nas operações policiais, e os bandidos destruíram 15 veículos de passeio, duas vans, sete ônibus e um caminhão.
No Complexo da Penha, dois policiais militares ficaram feridos em confronto com bandidos.
Entre os mortos está uma menina de 14 anos, vítima de bala perdida na favela do Grotão, na Penha. Rosângela Barbosa Alves levou um tiro no peito enquanto usava o computador em casa.
A jovem foi levada para o hospital Getúlio Vargas, na Penha, mas não resistiu aos ferimentos.
Em Brás de Pina, uma mulher foi baleada de raspão da nuca na Rua Suruí.
Oi, Carlos!
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